Ice Dam Removal Bloomington MN 612-919-4185

We received a call from this homeowner in Bloomington MN for ice dam removal services because she noticed water coming through the ceiling in her kitchen inside of a cabinet near an exhaust pipe that exited the roof. After we met with her and got permission to take a video, we set up our ladder, grabbed our plastic shovels and went to work removing all the snow from the roof and exposing the ice dams. This roof was completely covered with about 2.5 feet of heavy wet snow and nothing at all was visible on the roof through the snow! All the vents and pipes were smothered and could not breathe. Removing the snow from the entire roof was exhausting (even for two strong men who do this every day)! This roof had a fairly shallow pitch making it an easy target for leaks from water sitting behind the ice dams. Virtually every home on that street in Bloomington MN had ice dams glistening on the roof edges!  Continue reading


Ice Dam Removal North Oaks MN 612-919-4185

We were called to the following home in North Oak MN for ice dam removal services and while steaming the ice dams on site we filmed the following video with the owners permission. This ice dam removal job was extremely large, important and very urgent. This house was for sale on the real estate market and a purchase agreement (with contingencies) had come in, but because of the large amount of ice dams on the roof the closing process was on hold until the roof could be inspected. Both the owner and the interested party knew enough about ice dam removal to only consider a company who used true low pressure steamers to avoid any further roof damage and that’s where we came in. Call or text: 612-919-4185. Please watch the video below. Thanks! Continue reading


Ice Dam Removal,Steaming St. Cloud MN

We remove ice dams in St. Cloud MN with the best ice dam steaming equipment available in the industry, we do NOT use pressure washers on roofs. We run our ice dam steamers with pressure and temperature gauges at all times so anyone can see exactly how our machines are running and that they are NOT pressure washers. To learn more about the dangers of pressure washers on roofs please see our video and graph below and also visit our  ice dam removal page and see our Fox 21 News story about ice dam scams. Call or text us: 612-919-4185

Ice Dam Removal, Steaming St. Cloud MN

Ice Dam Removal, Steaming St. Cloud MN

Choosing The Right Ice Dam Removal Equipment MN

Choosing The Right Ice Dam Removal Equipment MN

Hiring an ice dam removal company in St. Cloud MN is a big decision!

Before hiring a company for ice dam removal, steaming St. Cloud MN we suggest you educate yourself with this useful information above first. We use two people on every job for efficiency and safety and we remove all the snow prior to the ice dam removal, steaming process. We bring snow blowers to clean up the ground and we work hard to make sure every customer is 100% satisfied. We are fully insured for snow and ice dam removal and accident free.

Do You Need Immediate Ice Dam Removal With Steam in St. Cloud MN Because You Have A Roof Leak?

Contact us here or call 612-919-4185 to solve you ice dam problems today. We offer fast same or next day service for customers with roof leaks!

As well as offering ice dam removal, steaming St. Cloud MN we also offer our service to the following nearby MN cities: Clearwater, Clear Lake, Becker, Sauk Rapids, Sartell, Little Falls, and Melrose.

Thank you for reading!

Sincerely, Absolutely Clean Window Washing